Tuesday, November 10, 2009


I am about to finish typing the project plan and I wanted to post the introduction (which will hopefully sum everything up so really it is all you will have to read) :)
I am still trying to figure out how we can apply for financing from the BMZ without which we can not build the tanks so without that there is no point in asking you to donate yet. In my next post I will give you a brief description of the people around here hopefully with pictures as I thought that will give you a better idea of who "my host father" and "his nephew" is.

Kathuni Youth Development Club (KYDC) is a youth organization formed in 1994 with the goal of improving the quality of life of the youth and families. The club is located in Eastern Province of Kenya, Machakos district Kathiani Division Iveti location, Kaani sub-location and consists of more than 100 members.
Geographically the club is located in a hilly and semi-arid region with two rain seasons. The first season begins in March and lasts until July while the second period begins in October and ends in December resulting in an average rain fall of 790mm per year. Rain is not reliable throughout the year and the region has not been spared by the recent droughts Kenya is suffering under. Much of the water flows past the villages into the Indian Ocean or is lost due to evaporation. When the rivers dry up, the water which is left stagnant in the puddles is used domestically leading to water borne-diseases and a breading area for mosquitoes.
That is why KYDC took the initiative to harvest the roof water and store it in tanks so that it can be used during the dry season. Water gathered from roof tops pours down with great force, causing soil erosion down hill. The lack of such water harvesting methods has led to the death of live stock and even loss of human life. In the years 2007-08 the KYDC organized the erection of 40 tanks and wants to expand the coverage with 40 additional tanks. Construction will accomplish two things: Clean drinking water will be stored and used during dry season and soil erosion will be reduced. The tanks will be made out of concrete because they are durable and cheaper due to presence of building materials such as sand and ballast.
The main goal of the club is to improve the living standards of the community. Clean drinking water is essential for human health, and is therefore the most important place to start when helping a community.

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