Tuesday, October 6, 2009

What a difference a day makes

Sat 03/10
On wednesday from two of the biggest and modern airports in the world, Frankfurt and Heathrow with a smaller version of Harrods inside and a caviar and champagne bistro plus the chance to win a Masserati to Nairobi without water to shower after 10h of sitting in planes. The lack of water continued leaving onlz enough for cooking. I am staying at a house of the Kenya Voluntary Development Association (KVDA) the partner organisation of the SCI with the two other long term volunteers, two other German girls that are spending their last days of a 4 week work camp here and are very helpful as they know the city, three french girls who came to Kenya for 3 months of voluntary work and one for eight. Today a Spaniard joined making space for the expected arrival of further volunteers very limited.
On our first of Nairobi we visited the biggest slum of Africa (Kibera). Half the population of Nairobi lives here also meaning half the work force and due to the higher birth rates and rural-urban migration also the major potential work force of the 4 million city. The slum is kept from expanding by a tall concrete wall that goes around it nearly entirely. The smells inside are at times nearly unbearable and we could not take many pictures because most of the people living there were suspicious or offended of the sight of white people and cameras. We even went inside one of the houses in which a friend of a KVDA helper lived with two wives and eight children. The children were all delighted to see us and chanted with delight "how are you muzungu" when we passed.
Later that day Constantin, Max (the other two long term volunteers) and I found out that we will have to stay another 10 days for preparation because of volunteers that arrive later. This came as a big disappointment because I already dislike Nairobi and would rather get going with my project. Today is Saturday and we spent the day in the city with the two German girls as it is their last day we combined swimming in a hotel pool with taking the first shower since wednesday all for 200 Kenyan shilling roughly 2 Euros. Additionally we can escape the smog of the city and have a good view from the top floor.
Swahili word of the day!
Coconut = nazi


  1. Lieber Max, na echt toll von dir zu lesen, da sind deine Eindrücke viel klarer als am Telefon und das ist nicht nur der schlechten Verbindung zu verdanken! Schon jetzt sind das Erfahrungen, die du nie vergessen wirst. Eine Betonwand rund um den Slum, unglaublich, dafür hat man Geld! Hast du rausgefunden, warum coconut Nazi heißt? Würde mich interessieren. Was hast du sonst noch über Swahili erfahren?
    Dicken Kuss Mama

  2. Excellent blog, wonderful perspectives. It's great reading about your experiences. Maybe you should consider journalism... Good luck in Kenya.
